Microsoft’s Power Platform evolves every day with new features being released. New connectors, actions and other features are released frequently. However, I’m still missing some features. Below you can find my personal wish for the Power Platform.
- Better approvals
- Reminders
- Escalation
- Not separated per environment
- “For a selected item” triggered flows in non-default environments
- Also needed in solution packages
- Instant flows in solution packages
- Environment variables for SharePoint actions: site address and list/library name
- Full managed solution packages without unmanaged layers
- Real PDF conversion action without OneDrive actions
- Versioning/version history for flows in Power Automate
- Better connection between Power Apps & Flows, no renaming of connection when re-importing
- Modern solution import: no need to re-define connections after importing a solution package
- Documentation in solution packages
- Microsoft Forms: Upload files and have the file available in the flow without OneDrive
- SharePoint create document set action (so that we don’t need to use REST calls anymore)
- Adaptive cards editor for Outlook (Like it is in preview for Teams)
- State machines
- Flows running longer than 28 days
- Possibility to send approval requests outside the organization/tenant
- Make SharePoint actions compatible with dynamic site address & list/library
- By using variables
- “Update item” works with dynamic values
- “Update file properties” does not work with dynamic values
- Remove the 12 lookup column limitation (The query cannot be completed because the number of lookup columns it contains exceeds the lookup column threshold enforced by the administrator)
- Remove the lookup column 5000 items limit (It is not a good idea to put a lot of items in a dropdown, but some customers depend on it…)
- Improve Power Apps delegation to SP lists: Make IN operator delegable
- Trigger Power Automate flow based on content-type to allow deployment of flows to multiple lists/libraries
- Action in Power Automate to extract metadata (from, to, subject, body) and attachments from a .msg or .eml email file